Personal design projects and selected freelance work.
Imagine A Song: Great Tokyo Expo - 大東京萬博
Poster Design inspired by the song I love
A Period Cloud
Imagine A Song: His Magnum Opus
One-Hour Type Workshop
A playful workshop I hosted with my friends Fiona Tran & Alina Buevich
♫  A Song of A Poetry ♪, Poster Design
Monstera Propagation Workshop, Poster Design
Typeface Specimen for Caledonia
Logo Design
明日へ, Logo Design
明日へ, Logo Design
平行四界Live Tour, Logo Design
平行四界Live Tour, Logo Design
同人音乐 / Dojin Music, Font Design
同人音乐 / Dojin Music, Font Design
Form Studio
A process-based image-making experimental project, where I can only use a random humble object, a plastic spray bottle, to create a series of images each week and explore the forms and relationships of light and shadow.